Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Study of a Mallard Duck........

We have a new exchange going on over at Drawspace. This one is Birds, Birds, Birds. This time there are 18 people in the group! I have a love-hate thing going for these big groups. I only do a card a day and it takes me forever to figure out what I want to do.

This was going to be 18 cards, done as a study of the pair of Mallard ducks, but I started looking at the female, she is going to take a lot of work. She might look all brown, but close up she is very detailed!

I do believe I am taking the thinking cap back out and doing something else for the rest of the cards.

I did these cards on plywood again, it is neat seeing how it affects the drawing. I had a hard time with the green on his head, it is very dark yet glows in the light. I did an underpainting in red to help push the darks.

I think I had some success with my Mallard Study and I got to try out some new things. I tried making gray for the birds side feathers using colours other than gray. I pushed myself for detail with the duck butt and did a fair job of it despite my whining (not quite as happy with the chest and back, despite same said whining!) Oh well it is all learning and I am off to do 11 more cards!

The photographs that I used for my study were all taken by my 10 year old son Douglas. The birds were living on my brothers pool cover.


  1. all those cards look great, really good idea for a study :)

    female ducks do sometimes have a lot more details and patterns to them, just most of the time its in duller colours with a hint of bright colour thrown in.

  2. your duck is very nice, Paulette.

  3. What a clever idea and so well done!

  4. I love your approach paulette, they are lovely

  5. Thanks Jennifer, Elena, Jan and Kay!
    Yeah, that swatch of blue really surprised me on the female.

  6. I received one of these absolutely stunning cards and WOW - you did a great job!!! thanks a bunch for mine :)
