Thursday, May 1, 2008

Yahoo Pipes....

If you look to the right of this post you will see something new. This is my pipe feed of Artist's blogs that I read. If you scroll over the picture you will see some text and the title. When you click on the title it will bring you to the Artist's blog.

I would like feedback from anyone that is on it, anyone that would like to be on it, anyone that would like to be off it and anyone that would like to add it to their blog.

This is a way of supporting the blogs that I read. If you would like this pipe badge to put on your blog, got to Artist Blogs That I Read, wait for it to load, then click on get badge, then click on where you want to put it. If you look at the list of sources on the left, you can see who's blogs I am feeding from.

Let me know what you think.


  1. Hi Paulette,
    Very forward thinking of you to add the Yahoo pipes which I wasn't familiar with until I checked on your site today.
    Looks like a great tool to increase the viewing of art blogs.

    ( I was " tickled " to see my left foot prominently dispayed- thank you !)
    You're on the case in all things tech and blog. Hurrah!

  2. Paulette, I like the pipes so please keep me on yours. How did you get it?


  3. Hi Bonnie,
    I just love all the neat things we can do. Not sure why your left foot shows up instead of your pictures from the current post?? Hopefully people will be curious and scroll over to see the actual post.
    Hi Judy,
    You have to make it at Yahoo Pipes. I will be making mine public so you can use it or make your own.

  4. I like the idea of the Yahoo Pipes and would like it on my blog too. What a great way to promote artists blogs!

    You'll have to be more specific on how to get it though. Some of us just aren't as technically proficient as you are! lol

  5. Jan,
    I have edited my post to include how to get the pipe badge. If you are interested in making your own you have to sign up at YaHoo Pipes, you can clone mine and just make changes to the list of sources or you can make one from scratch.
