Getting together with family is always one of the highlights of our year. I hate the packing, but once I am on the road, everything is good. The kids look forward to it all year, "when are we going to Aunt May's and Uncle Joe's?".

My Uncle roasts a lamb and everybody brings a dish to contribute to the meal. My Aunt Genny and Cousin Jacqui play music and include any one who brings an

instrument. At the end of the meal the kids take bat at a mosquito pinata. The mosquito is the mascot for the family reunion because there are always so many of them joining us....I think they plan their reunion to coincide with ours!

We start invading my Uncle's farm Thursday or Friday and stay until Monday. He has plenty of room for all the tents, campers and cars. He has a pool and trampoline and my Cousin Joey next door has lots of indoor kid entertainment. I am sure it only takes them a month or two to survive the invasion!

This year we brought Bob and Gracie with us. I promised that they would not be a problem at the

party and they didn't let me down. They took right fine to camping and made many friends at the main party.
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